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How do I set Microsoft conversions?
How do I set Microsoft conversions?

By correctly setting the UET tag and defining conversion goals, you will gain valuable insights into your campaigns.

Lisa avatar
Written by Lisa
Updated over a year ago

Why is it important to set up conversions?

Conversion tracking is critical to measuring and optimizing the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. Microsoft Advertising offers powerful tools, such as Universal Event Tracking (UET) and Goals, to help you track conversions on your website. In this article, we will present a step-by-step guide to setting up Microsoft Conversions, including UET and Goals. Let's start!

How do I set up conversions?

Step 1: Verify account settings Before you start setting up conversions, make sure your Microsoft Advertising account is properly configured. Check that your account is active and that you have the correct permissions to manage conversions.

Step 2: Set up Universal Event Tracking (UET) UET allows you to track conversions on your website by placing a tracking code on your web pages. Follow these steps to set up UET:

  1. Navigate to the Microsoft Advertising dashboard and click on "Tools" in the top menu.

  2. Select "Conversions" under the "Measurement" section.

  3. Click "Manage UET Tags" and then "Create New Tag".

  4. Name your UET tag and enter your website URL.

  5. Select the event you want to track, such as a purchase or form filling.

  6. Copy the generated UET tag code and place it on every page of your website, just before the </head> tag.

Step 3: Set up conversion goals Goals allow you to define and track specific conversion actions. Follow these steps to set up Goals:

  1. Go back to the Microsoft Advertising dashboard and click on "Tools" in the top menu.

  2. Select "Conversions" under the "Measurement" section.

  3. Click "Manage Goals" and then "Create New Goal".

  4. Name your target and select the corresponding UET tag you set up earlier.

  5. Set the conversion value if you want to track how much each conversion is worth.

  6. Configure optional parameters such as conversion window duration and conversion count.

  7. Click "Save" to save your goal.

Step 4: Check conversion data After setting up UET and Goals, it is important to check that your conversion data is being tracked correctly. You can do this by following these steps:

  1. Go to the Microsoft Advertising dashboard and click on "Reporting" in the top menu.

  2. Select "Conversion" in the left panel and choose the desired reporting period.

  3. Analyze the reports to make sure conversions are tracked correctly and that the data matches your expectations.

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